Sunday 11 September 2016

We can get better results with small food items.

 Find out here in our house all the greatness of the food items.

* Okra seed, put in a little distilled barley porridge eaten up to three days if there will be a burning while urinating.
* Half an hour before meals to consume daily half a teaspoon of olive ennaiyaic, patiyamal prevent fat in artery. Thus increasing durability.

* If spicy is not for those stomatitis. So, as far as possible, eat karattaik reduced. Turmeric stomatitis easier to consume six in pieces.

* Shred jatikkayaic minor tuntukalakac, it gets eaten roasted neyvittu citalapeti healed. The prevalence yogurt, buttermilk, coconut water is good to eat too much of.

* Put a little water on a spoon basil boiled in 100 ml of coconut oil can be drained away and boil again. Mix very well with warm filtered potiyaik karpurap the pain of sick leave to the bar.

* Basil to the strength of the human brain implications. And, parittup basil leaves and put in a glass and keep it for drinking water if the brain gets stronger.

* Sore throat, pain when eating honey with a little cittarattaip powder. After recovering a little milakait impact demolished the pillar of a sore throat, and sugar, mixed with ghee If swallowed, rolling completely healed the damage.

* Indigestion and leaves of guava leaf mantattirkuc better. Expect it after eating fruit

Natural Medicine: -

Ajiranam to Heal:

Coriander flower water morning and evening 2-hour drinking will aciranam and bile-related diseases.

You prickly heat
Paneer sandal-paste may also be applied on the ground.

For seborrheic body
Karantai nut mix used in shade for the leaves to curanam 5 grams per hour for 5 days to eat honey and very cool in the fountain.

For cuttirumal
Pick up the trail in the morning with the slime soaked seed cirututti palvittu 6, while adding little to eat karkantutul cough is easily cleared.

Baked fire punnirku
Grind fenugreek topically nirvittu heal in due course apply to allay irritation.

Thira nirkkatuppu erivu
Lemon juice, mix nallenneyyum nirkkatuppu eat, will erivu

Naciyam all visattirkum
Meniyilai litter pan, these urinary ammonium tuniyir from the building itself will be dispersed cakalavisamum naciyamita nostril.

For adults, you curanam malakkattu
Curry tulum, tulum vallaraiyilai taken at par after pocanam to eat at night, also made of honey.

I have milk
Paste Alam, Alam has leveled seed shall be heated in the milk, the milk will palillata women.

Seborrheic skin, inhibiting their formation.
Dried and then ground into powder and leaving elarici vallarai ilaiccaru kottaik karantaiyai mix used in shade for both mixed together while adding 2 to 3 g per hour should be fed.
The body valuvunt
Figs and young adults, Alam, state, taking in equal amounts in the milk and grind the seeds just take 5 grams in the morning suffering from other disease uramakkukiratu body.

Ulcerative solving manattakkali
Manattakkali kiraiyaic camaitto, manattakkalip daily untuvara ulcer healing with food made with fruit chips.

Faded mosaic
Vinegar and apply it to roasted karuka enneyvittu karuncirakattai vittaraittu rash, cool mosaic.

Gas crumble
Garlic skin ripped off the top of the lead cow's milk to drink distilled gas art.

Wart disappear
Polacke dryer piles of rotting leaves, red radish burn it to ashes, ashes to take a little confused castor number neyvittu few days to put on a white tunimitu rub the wart healed.

Throat disease
Please give a throat infection and leave water inside katukai tenvittu.

You pelattiram
Junk menic curanamum, mix 1 kg of ghee consumption pelattiram leave tippili curanamum proportional.

Mutivalara in the head, to prevent hair loss, ilanarai faded.

Take a handful of neem leaves to boil the water to wash the next day to head to the juice. If you can prevent hair loss continues.

2) dill, abresprecaterius powder, it should be soaked in coconut oil a week. Everyday after rubbing it on the head in the morning even prevent hair loss.
3) Some people appear ilanarai from a young age. They need to eat constantly find amla
Mayamakivitum ilanarai enough.

4) Some naraiyakivitum around. This is what they have to do, keep a lotus flower in the morning brew, drinking that evening to come. Mulaikkiraiyai gray gradually decrease once a week to consume.

5) Put the curry leaves in coconut oil is well heated in ground if rubbing the hair on the head grows. Otherwise, carrot, mixed with lemon juice in coconut oil distillation head, rubbing the hair will grow even.
Mulikai menstruation medical problem -

Natural Remedies: -

* Soak lift, put in the water the next morning if drinking the water will heal menstrual problems.

* Poppy, valaippu, pepper, yellow brew along with the drinking of blood increases.
* Lot, marutampattai, avarampu Please mix used to take 200 grams each. 5 g powder in a glass of water to boil drinking kasayamakki cramped menstrual right away. Stop excessive bleeding.

* Add the palm sugar with karuncirakat cramped menstrual eats right.

* Wedding drumstick leaves soaked in water and grind black sesame morning and evening to eat two meals a cramped menstrual get better pricing.

* Wedding murunkaikkirai, pepper, garlic and eats Boil healed anemia.

* Kilanelli demolished root extract juice, milk, and mix with a spoon and drink it stops bleeding heavily.

* Kilanelli, karicalai take equal amounts of the daily grind to consume as much as ten grams recovered from anemia.
Natural Remedies Returns

Natural Remedies Home Medical notes: -

1) ceruppukkati ulceration

Coconut tree or palm branches kuruttompai (tennampuvu appeared then formed into small pieces) kariyakki shot dead in a fire in coconut oil to rub on the ulcer healed confused.

2) arthritis, joint swelling to Heal

Kasturi turmeric, frankincense, and mustard. Take BORDER fixed Share nirvittu grind, heat tolerant maturity slightly camphor applied in areas with mixed pain can result.
3) punakal and the balm scabby

1. Datura ilaiccaru (300 ml), coconut oil (100 ml), the drug store and get the copper sulphate (2 g) ilaiccar Peacock tuttattaik dissolved oil, adding atuppilerri juice recede, draw distilled filter, cool to the affected place and apply to any chronic sore healed quickly. It is very effective even after surgical bandages. Ittailam dark green in color.

2. erukkilaic juice (100 ml), coconut oil (100 ml), mancalpoti (3 g). Mix together well and distilled juice BORDER atuppilerri to recede, with cool filter cockroach sore, strained sore, scabies, ulcers etc. potukup to rub out the best yields; Healed quickly.

4) bile dizziness, eye irritation

Coriander seeds (ten grams), cumin (ten grams), oil (200 ml). Karuncivanta color cumin until well heated in the oven (the scarlet oil cuttileye cumin), then Head of the filter will end with rubbing well to bathe. Blood pressure patients for three or four days once the oil is very good for bathing and rubbing. Apply daily to a very good head.

5) ear, fly, ant to enter

 Clean water, add a little salt in the salt nirakki it will result with more than three or five drops in the ear.

6) tippatta ulceration with 

1. Aloe vera tippatta a telephoto lens to take the affected area and keep it in its internal build kulakulappana corrinai irritation, resolved with kantal. Similarly leaf hibiscus flower could apply to take the grind.

2. Grind fenugreek seeds soaked in water to grapple with the kantal, heal irritation.

3. Datura leaves were ground in liquid are put tiruvat irritate the sore to heal.

4. babul resin (a), the prescription of white resin material cutuceytu in coconut oil, which is dissolved, then cool the irritation will apply. (It will be available in the pharmacy).

7) Hand-occur in the legs, you pittavetippu

1. Coconut oil (200 ml), castor (200 mL), available in store white resin (35 g), campiranippoti (10 g). Bees wax (60 g). Heating oil on the resin, frankincense akiyap mixed powders, as well as bees wax dissolved kalimpaki aravaikka are well mixed. Apply this to the affected area before going to bed on the night will end with pittavetippu.

2. In kilinc limestone powder, castor, both of which lead to the desired size kallural tatavivara well grind Grease affected place will heal with. We must be less than the amount of castor pacaiyakum omitted. In the morning, the evening will end with a two-hour tatavivara.
Grow hair, hair may utiramal

1. nellikkayc (big) toe liter of juice, yellow caricalaic quarter liter of juice, five grams of dill, fenugreek seeds and grind and mix everything together well-heated in atuppilerri Head flossing regularly will come.

2. A liter of coconut milk, cumin and twenty grams, one hundred ml of coconut oil, nannari verppoti ten grams, mix everything together well-heated in atuppilerri, then Head of the filter regularly and get good results teyttuvara.

9) for the development of the tonsils

Grind the garlic with white, white linen cloth to rub the lamp a little time grabbing the piliyac juice. Mix honey with fixed Share with iccar ulnak rub, four drop rate in the throat to swallow lately healed.

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